Tuesday, September 20, 2011

To sew.... or to clean-up??

Good morning friend, come in and catch up with what is going on over here. I have to say that it is not a whole lot of new things at all. Mikhaila has been hard at work with her school work- she spent the whole day yesterday on Pychology.  I have been busy sewing some blocks and I am also participating in a crumbalong but due to being sick last week I don't have any crumbs done! =(    I  told myself that I can not do a crumb bock until I get some of this other sewing done so today I should be good to at least get a crumb or two put together- that is if I get this area by my machine cleaned up and the other little sewing things done. 

Yes this is the mess I am talking about. It is actually not too bad as I cleaned some up before bed.

This is my Autumn Leaves pattern - one of the colors I used I will post more colors later. If you would like to use this pattern please go over to www.delewarequilts.com as that is the pattern I used. I like her patterns as they are easy to understand. Plus she has a TON of patterns there.

This is the machine that I sew on. It is a very nice machine that my friend gave to me, so its named after her Ani Neets (which are both nicknames for her real name)

Yes that is a quilt in the bottom of the bag - not that you would know that by looking at it. These are the pinwheel blocks that are actually stacked in there in the order that they go. They just have not been sewn into the quilt that they long to be. Soon my pretties ...soon.

Some 100% cotton shirts that will be taken apart so they can go in the crumb blocks. This will add some color to those blocks and make them pop!

Ok now the computer is letting me add some more to this. It is frustrating when the computer all of a sudden won't let me put my next paragraph in. Is this the computers way of saying I have talked enough???? 
At the fall festival on Sat Mikhaila ran into some friends and we had to take some pictures of them together. Ever since she was little she has had to have her picture taken with every  animal, storybook character, robot (yes a robot at the MN state fair), Dr. Seuss or anything else in a costume. So having said that......

Yes its a cow, sitting by The Burnett Dairy display, they had some cheese samples and the cow balloons too.

 Now for some humor of the day!!! Yes it is always good to laugh at oneself! The festival had a nail driving contest that yours truly entered ..... well I did not win the grand prize but I gave it my best wack!!!  LOL I look like a biker chick with my rag on my head and my safety glasses.

Ready to go

On your mark.... get set...


With my last nail... and my free gift..... Thanks to Bass Lake Lumber for hosting the Woman's Nail Driving Contest!!!
Ok a little more humor. This is my dog Dutchess who does not have a body! LOL She is helping clean the sewing area but had to sniff the lens!

Here she is agreeing that she will be helping out today  and that she IS cute.

This is what she looks like when she is helping out.

Finally a decent picture of her! This is Dutchess Ann. We call her Dutchie. She gets her full name when she is in trouble! She knows then that she is wanted and usually she is gone somewhere hiding. LOL
Hope you enjoyed... Off to be productive. Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. How come it was all ladies pounding nails, fun, you did look like a biker. Ani
