Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Good morning friends! I hope this finds you enjoying the weather- it is sunny here with a nice breeze, the birds are talking and flying around the yard. It has been wonderful weather all weekend! 
What are you planning on doing this today? Are you spending it with your Mom? Maybe you are doing something in honor of your Mom. Maybe you ARE a mom and are being pampered! Whatever it is have a fabulous day my friend! Remember you are loved and appreciated!
This year I was Super Surprised... Mikhaila had heard on the radio that a store Diamond Designs by Botus in Rice Lake was giving away a couple mother and child pendant necklaces. The kids had to write a letter about their mom, what was so special about them. Then they were entered in a drawing for the necklace, the winners had their letters up in the store all week for folks to look at. Well Mikhaila won the contest in her age group! 
This is the letter she submitted:
Why my mom is so special..
My mom is special because of the tireless determination she has to give me the best opportunities. She's sacrificed weekends, and sit-down meal-times to drive me to 4-H , and food fairs and conferences and sports. She even lets me try my hand at any new animal project we can handle, becausee she's caring. So caring! She even tries to save the moths and butterflies that my cat catches.
My mom's fiery, and so enthusiastic about the smallest things, that you can't help to smile with her. She tries her very best, and has for my whole life.She does it on her own And it's so, so easy to take her for granted, because this is the way it's always been. My mom gives to me, our family, and takes little back.
So, even though laugh wrinkles grace her eyes more frequently, she's still as pretty to me as ever, because she's  the most important person I have. The only one. That is why she's special.

Was I crying when I read this??  I most definitely had tears in my eyes and was trying not to cry in a jewelry store! LOL D'Ann Bodis was very helpful  getting the necklace together. While she took care of everything we checked out some of the beautiful things that they to offer. I will be going there in the future for some beautiful jewelry! Here is where you can find them Diamond Desgn by Bodis . I have to say a BIG thank you for running such a great contest! I have never gotten such a great gift. 

Its hard to take a good picture of the necklace. It is really a nice gift. Plus I usually wear silver so what else could I ask for!

The box the necklace came in!

One again thanks to Diamond Design. A HUGE thank you to my beloved daughter for thinking of her mom! You are my world- and I am lucky to have you as a daughter!!

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