Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spooner Advocat Column-April 4,2012

Hello to all of you. Are you cold today? This weather sure has been confusing hasn't it? I hope that with the Spring like weather you did not jump the gun and go plant a bunch of things outside. We did plant  some stuff but they are growing in a southern window in the house. Although we sprinkled some morning glories and sunflowers outside and we hope they will come up when they get warm enough!

Marilyn sent me a great picture of the old store in Springbrook! I believe that is the same grocery store that is getting redone on 63. I could be wrong and please correct me if I am. It sounds like once upon a time there was two grocery stores. Was Springbrook that big at some point? What happened? I would love to hear the stories. I like history, and antiques and all the stories that get handed down! I think it would be great if we could revisit some of the local  history - especially for us that now call Springbrook our home. So if you have information on a business,  a farm, a famous person that came through here or whatever that you would like to share please let me know. I will write about it in the column and we can all get some great conversations going and learn about the area.

The turkeys are out in full swing! The toms are just awesome to see with their tails all fanned out and hanging with the hens. We saw some turkeys go flying through the tall pines and I just had to laugh because that must be a rush for them birds to fly through the tall pines and not hit a branch or a tree trunk! They sure are beautiful!

Earth Keepers Club has a great day planned for April 28 from 12:30-4:30, out at the Jacoby place. Various activities are planned that all sound awesome- story-telling, how to make bricks, touring their house! If you are planning on coming or need further information call Shari at 715-635-7811 or sharijacoby@yahoo.com They will need a head count for refreshments so please let them know how many of you will be coming to this family event.

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