Thursday, November 15, 2012

Spooner Advocate Column- November 15, 2012

Good morning everyone! It is snowing and 20 degrees! It looks like we may have some that actually stays on the ground at least for the day. That will make some people happy. I think it looks lovely and well since I don't have to go to school today I guess it is ok if it snows. LOL

I want to say I hope everyone had a nice Veteran's Day. I know there are services being held today as the holiday did fall on Sunday this year. I went to the Veteran's Pow Wow over at the LCO school and wow what a nice turn out! They really put together a nice day for all the Veteran's and their family. Thanks to everyone that put the Pow Wow together or that danced. Everyone did a great job, also thank you for the great meal! If you are a Veteran, thank you! If you see a Veteran when you are out and about town please tell them that you appreciate them. America would NOT be the same without them!

Northwoods Book and Fiber is hosting a Crocheted Wrap Sweater class on January 19th plus one other class that is not scheduled yet, from 1- 4pm. the instructor Carol McDowall can help you pick out the yarn and your hook- remember you get 10% off all knitting supplies the day of class and for pre-orders. It is not to early to register as the holidays are right around the corner and we all get distracted during this time. You can always call the store for the current class schedule, or check them out on-line at

I hope you have the shovel by the back door, sand or salt in a bucket. Make sure that you plan alittle more time to get where you are going- you never know how icy the roads are going to be. Have you stuck a couple blankets in the car yet? They can be artfully displayed over the backseat, they will come in hand if you have an issue with your car or if you have too walk to walk to get help. Also stick some matches, a flare, jumper cables, some snacks, extra socks and mittens, a hat, boots (in you don't normally wear them), some cat litter or sand, a small shovel, a flashlight (the ones that crank are really nice to have) in a tub in the trunk. You never know what you might need. I am sure there is more stuff to put in there, the main thing is just be prepared.

Have you read a good book lately? Why not drop me a line and I can let others know what a great book it is.

That is all I have this week. Stay warm, and safe. Please ask for help if you need shoveling or other outside activities done.

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