Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend! I know we had a lot of traffic up here enjoying the last weekend before schools starts. Now its really beginning to feel like fall being folks are back in school and there are less vacationers here. I hope everyone had a great summer and are now ready to get back to school! Please remember to slow down out there in the morning, lots of people are rushing to get to work but we need to be safe around the kids!
I haven’t talked about Cable Natural History Museum in a while. I have to say I don’t get up there to the museum as much as I would like to, but I do like the articles that Emily Stone writes for the Sawyer County Record. This last one about Pitcher plants was very interesting. If you have not had the privilege of seeing an actual pitcher plant you should really go visit a bog. I have the privilege of going out on the bog and I have to say pitcher plants are one of my favorites! If you would like more information on the museum go to
LCO Community College still has fun things going on at the college over the summer. BEADING has begun at the college! It is Weds. nights 5-8 pm, supplies and dinner are provided. You can start a project or bring something you are working on! Please call to let Amber know so she has enough food for folks! See you there! If you would like to see what classes are offered please contact Amber Marlow at 715-634-4790 x156. Or check them out on Facebook!
On September 10 I was able to go down to Open Street on West Broadway in Minneapolis. It was great fun to be able to travel with my friend Mary and her son Nodin, we had a great time and got to see old friends and make some new ones! Great job to all the volunteers, workers and people that sold or just came out to visit! A lot of hard work went into organizing this event and everyone did an awesome job! Thanks so much Britt and Lupe!
Happy Birthday goes out to all the September birthdays out there. I love September as we are getting into cooler months and get to wear sweaters again! I hope the coming year is filled with a lot of blessings for all of you! Remember you are loved, hugs to all of you!
Until next week… Do something that you like to do and that makes you happy, and reach out to someone who may need to be lifted up.
If you have any information on upcoming events please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Put on your calendar:
October 27-29, 2016 Joyce Meyer Conference in Minneapolis at the Target Center. Thursday: 7:00pm, Friday: 10 am and 7:00 pm, Saturday: 10 am. More information at .
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