Thursday, February 9, 2012

Spinning fiber....what sheep do I want??

Good afternoon.... please come in and chat with me over a cup of tea.
Where was I this morning you ask? Well I was at a lovely ladies house and we were talking about our fiber animals, what we are currently knitting, what we had on our spinning wheels..... in my case what animals I would like to own and how I would like to own a spinning wheel! The Spinners group meets here locally and some of them are the same ladies that  I met at the Weavers group on Tuesday.
I suppose I should start at the beginning. I want to expand the farm and have more fiber animals ( alpaca, llama, sheep)  that I could use the fiber from them to either sell, make into yarn, or to knit into things that I can sell. I also would like a sheep that would be able to be used for meat- to sell as well as for my family.  I have one animal right now Bob the sheep and he is just a pet and will be used for his fiber- I still need to learn how to shear him. I have really been researching the different types of sheep that are out there as I really do not want a BIG sheep( short on huge pasture space) but then again I need to get something that is practical for food and fiber. So of course I am looking on line and here are just a couple I am drooling over- Scottish Blackface Tunis, Jacob

Navajo- Churro, PolyPay, Babydolls. I really do like the the different sheep that really stand out like the Leicester Longwools (below) or the Jacob sheep (above). Some are sheep that I am just drooling over but would not realistically get others like these Jacob sheep i could actually see myself getting. So I am asking you follks ... any sheep people out there? Llamas or alpaca people? What do you recommend? What problems have you had? Do you spin or sell the fleece?

The next problem I have is what sort of spinning wheel would be a good starting one for me? I would love to just have the sky open up and drop a spinning wheel, loom and some fiber animals in my lap! LOL
Are there some spinners out there that would like to share their knowledge on books, spinning wheels, what fibers wpin really well, how about dyeing the fiber -or just talk about fleece animals?? I am hoping to be able to buy myself a little birthday gift - even if its a stuff sheep! LOL
I know this is just a weird thing for some of you. I am really glad though that I have met the friendly folks that I have in both the spinning group as well as the weaving group- they have been super nice to me. It helps me to know that there are those people out here that like me like to spin our own yarn, make our own rag rugs, and to have wonderful animals that help us do that.
Please let me know your thoughts and ideas on the fiber animals and any books that you suggest that I read. I appreciate each and every one of you that take time to read the blog and to let me know what is going on at your farms. I hope you had the sun out in your little part of the world today.....until next time friend.

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