Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

Good morning! Come in and sit a minute! I want to tell each of you to have a fabulous Mother's Day. If you are lucky enough to still have a Mom alive then call her, or visit. Its nice to get a gift but the  real things us Moms like is to spend time with our loved ones! Real inexpensive gifts such as home-made cards, dandelions picked from the yard, a walk in the country those cherished memories last forever!!
If your Mom has passed away, sit quietly and think of some fun things you both did together. Go for a walk, put a smile on,  remember the love you both shared. Even though you may not have her here any more she is always with you! Rememer that!
I want to say a big thank you to all the Moms in the military! I appreciate each and every one of you! I hope you get to talk to your husbands and kids at some point today and hear  how much they love you!
Go out and have a wonderful day with your loved ones.
Be blessed dear friends!

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