Hey all you Writers or Want To Be Writers out there this is right up your alley! What better investment for you and what you love to do....writing? This sounds like it is going to be a wonderful Conference for all the seasoned writers as well as those just trying to get some pointers.
I know some of the folks that will be attending/ hosting this Conference and they are fabulous people! If you know a young writer this would be a great event to plug them into! What an investment into their future! I will always be grateful that Mikhaila has been able to really find some great support for her writing through the writers groups in the area. We both were blessed by getting to know Bernice Abrahamzon through the writer's group, her column in the Leader as well as her books. I am forever grateful to have met such a beautiful person!
If you have questions please contact my friend Denis- his info is at the bottom of the page.
If you can't go please check out www.wiwrite.org and join so that you can stay plugged in. We have a ton of very gifted writers in the great state of Wisconsin!
Friday May 4th 1:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday May 5th 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Siren, Wisconsin
Featuring: Presentations and conversations with
Wisconsin’s Poet Laureate - Bruce Dethlefsen
Authors – Anthony Bukowski, Carolyn Wedin and Carrie Classon.
Awards Ceremony for Annual Writing Contests
Book Fair
Displays by Writers from Northwest Region
Silent Auction
Sponsored by: Wisconsin Writers Association in partnership with Writers from The Northwest Region of Wisconsin.
For more information, please visit the website or contact:
L.J. Kottke Website:
PO Box 05270
Racine, WI 53408-52702
Denis Simonsen Website:
8851Waldora Rd
Siren, WI 54872