Good morning come on in and have a glass of tea, lately we have been drinking a lot of sun tea. We also at times with make it a sweet tea- depends how much sweetening I need. Do you drink cold tea? Do you brew it outside? I am getting lazy- I throw some water in a mason jar put a Lipton cold tea bag in there and then I put two tea bags in a applesauce jar that is bigger, add water and then outside to the deck. Now we use those bags twice, once they are brewed we put them in a pitcher in the frig and refill the jars with water and put them back on the deck to brew again. If you have not tried sun tea why not give it a try.
Ok I am back... Mikhaila and had to go break into the garage so that we can let all the animals out! That was really fun! Guess it was my fault as I had the second set of keys in the car! Still need to get a couple copies of the keys for the garage and house! Always something! Nothing dull around here! Just so you can enjoy the craziness with us I took pictures! LOL
Here she is waiting for me to go get the chair (that I told her to bring out) so that she can put it in the window and set it up so she can stand on it and that way she does not kill herself. At this point she had already had her leg and body in the window but wasn't really touching the ground. I thought it was a no brainer that she would use the chair to stand on.... hmmmm guess not??? |
At first we could not get the window open so I told her she had to dig under the door....we were also asking the geese who were on the other side of the door to hit the garage door opener.... ummm they didn't help us out! |
This is where she was going to go in and put her leg on the chair, only she lost the chair (still folded) through the window! |
This is when she told me the chair was laying on the ground on the other side of the window! I started laughing and she then started laughing and telling me to stop! All I could think of was she could be one of those people that fold themselves into a box! How is that possible... she is almost 6 feet tall! |
Oh happy day! We can now let the animals out! Thanks to my daughter as she is awesome. I would not have been able to do this that quickly! |
Ok back to Try It Tuesday....Over at Joscountryjunction Jo and her readers share their successes and failures on new thing that they have tried. Please go on over and see what Jo and her friends have tried. Also if you are looking for some more inspiration, a new idea- head over to Tip Junkie and see what her readers have been making. There is always a lot too see at both of these websites , you are bound to learn something new and have some fun doing it! What I am sharing today its Yo-yos.... Have you ever made them? What did you make with the yo-yos? Would you like to share a pattern? I got the yo-yo maker awhile back and have been making them for awhile. I want to make a table runner, and that is where I need your help.....
This has the flash on... alittle washed out but you can see the patterns. Alot of the yo-yos are dark, so I started doing yellow - maybe for a center of a flower. |
Then I could make them into flowers, with yellow centers. Then sew them together, maybe two flowers wide and however many flowers long. Or..... |
I could lay them all out in a row and just do dark, light all the way down to add some "pop" to it. This option is all yo-yos straight across from each other- very square. Maybe like 6 or 8 wide and then however long. |
Then I threw all those in a bag and started doing just light colors. Here I started staggering them. I would add pink and maybe a light purple- pull out some of the colors in the floral yo-yos. |
What do you think? What would be your favorite? Would you put a back on it? Would that be wool or fabric? I am leaning towards the staggered light yo-yos with no back. But hey who knows if that is the one that will happen. Thanks for visiting the blog today, I do appreciate your stopping by during your busy day. Have a wonderful day and have fun doing something crafty!
Yo Yos are a great way to use up all those scraps...I love the idea of a table runner! :D